& Updates

Online Public Input Survey

Would you like to help NYSDOT improve walking and biking along state roadways? Please take the online survey.

Take the survey »

ATSP Team wants to hear from you

The ATSP Team will be tabling at multiple events and locations across the state to collect your input on active transportation along state roadways.

View the upcoming event locations and times »

About the ATSP

The New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT) is developing a strategic plan to improve walking, biking, and using a wheelchair throughout New York State. NYSDOT's Active Transportation Strategic Plan (ATSP) will provide direction and guidance for future active transportation investments.

The ATSP aims to accomplish the following:

  • Establish goals, strategies, and measurable objectives for active transportation (AT)
  • Develop a unified vision for integrating AT into the NYSDOT transportation system
  • Provide policy guidance on managing NYSDOT’s programs that impact AT systems
  • Provide recommendations for planning, conceptual designs, and construction and maintenance procedures for safe AT infrastructure

Download a Fact Sheet on the Active Transportation Strategic Plan

What is active transportation?

Active Transportation is both human-powered modes of transportation—walking, bicycling, and operating a wheelchair—along with small-scale electric vehicles such as e-bikes and e-scooters (also known as “micromobility”).

Just like roads and highways provide infrastructure for driving cars, buses, and trucks, active transportation requires quality facilities so people can move around safely and efficiently. These include sidewalks, road crossings, bike lanes, shared lanes, shared use path, and rail trails.

Statewide ATSP Events Map

Click this link here or the map image below to launch a map showing in-person events planned to offer opportunities to provide your feedback. This map will be updated as events are scheduled, check back regularly!

All mapped event information may also be found on the Get Involved webpage, see more here »

Project Process and Timeline

Fall 2023 – Fall 2024

Existing Conditions Assessment

Review of NYSDOT Active Transportation (AT) policies and programs, NYSDOT bike touring program, AT network analysis

Public Engagement and Agency Coordination

Public meetings and pop-up events, project website and online survey, outreach to key stakeholders and state agencies

Summer – Fall 2024

Developing Vision and Goals

Aspirational vision to guide development of the plan and inform policy and program recommendations

Active Transportation Recommendations and Strategies

Revised complete streets policy and design guidance, new/revised policies to promote walking and bicycling, performance measures

Spring – Summer 2025

Public Review and Final Plan Development

Draft Plan will update NYSDOT’s current 1997 Pedestrian and Bike Plan, 60-day public comment period, final plan release in Summer 2025

Did you know? NYSDOT is also currently working on the New York State Transportation Master Plan 2050. Learn more about it at: