Frequently Asked Questions
1. What is Active Transportation?
Active Transportation is both human-powered modes of transportation—walking, bicycling, and operating a wheelchair—along with small-scale electric vehicles such as e-bikes and e-scooters (also known as “micromobility”).
Just like roads and highways provide infrastructure for driving cars, buses, and trucks, active transportation requires quality facilities so people can move around safely and efficiently. These include sidewalks, road crossings, bike lanes, shared lanes, shared use path, and rail trails.
2. What is the purpose of the Active Transportation Strategic Plan?
The New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT) is developing a strategic plan to improve walking, biking, and using a wheelchair throughout New York State. NYSDOT's Active Transportation Strategic Plan (ATSP) will provide direction and guidance for future active transportation investments.
The ATSP aims to accomplish the following:
- Establish goals, strategies, and measurable objectives for active transportation (AT)
- Develop a unified vision for integrating AT into the NYSDOT transportation system
- Provide policy guidance on managing NYSDOT’s programs that impact AT systems
- Provide recommendations for planning, conceptual designs, and construction and maintenance procedures for safe AT infrastructure
3. Who is leading this initiative? What other agencies/organizations are involved?
This initiative is being led by the NYSDOT Office of Policy, Planning, and Performance, supported by a consultant team lead by VHB. Multiple Stakeholder Committees have been established to represent regional and local interests, including multiple NYSDOT departments, other state agencies and partners, metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs), transit providers and advocacy groups that represent social equity, civic, environmental, economic development, and transportation interests.
4. How can I stay informed about this project?
Please check this webpage routinely to get more information on project progress and upcoming opportunities to engage and provide your input.
Further, to stay informed about this project, fill out the contact form on the Get Involved page.
5. How long will this study take?
The Active Transportation Strategic Plan process was started in May 2023 and is expected to be completed in early 2025.
6. Are there other statewide transportation planning initiatives that NYSDOT is undertaking?
NYSDOT is also currently working on the New York State Transportation Master Plan 2050. It will provide a long-range vision through the year 2050 and guide statewide transportation policies and priorities for the state’s entire transportation system, including roads, transit, rail, aviation, ports, bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure, and other infrastructure and services. You can learn more about it on